Align top in HTML prob.. !!! (simple)


Yep i know this question is simple, but i cant solve it.. <br />
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in my table i want to align a picture top and right, and then in the next table right and bottom... now the right thing seems to work...<br />
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but how do i get it aligned at the bottom or top ?<br />
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<html><br />
<p align="center" align="top" ><br />
</html><br />
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Is纾弔 this suppose to work ???<!--content-->Hi Ren?<br />
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see the attachment.<br />
Onte table, two cells<br />
One image top left, the other right bottom.<br />
:rocker:<!--content-->very good example. Rene, just do 'view source' on peter's example to view how it is done.<!--content-->Thanks guys... my prob is resolved.. <br />
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and yes that was a good example.. :)<!--content-->