Alert message on select option


New Member
I have a form that I want to pop up an alert message is someone selects the letter "A" from my select menu. I tried all different stuff and cant get the alert message to pop up when "A" is selected. I tried :
if(document.myform.myvalue.value = "A")

and it popped up alert message on all selections.

Here is the whole form part where I tried:

function check()

if(document.myform.myvalue.value == "A")
alert("Dont select the letter A")
return false


<cfform name="myform" action="dosomething.cfm" onSubmit="return check();">

<select name="myvalue" size="1">
<option value="A" selected>A</option>
<option value="b">b</option>
<option value="c">c</option>
