New Member
i am trying to get that \[code\]AjaxFileUpload\[/code\]-Control(used in ContentPage) working. But it does not fire \[code\]OnUploadComplete\[/code\] Event at server sideI am using version \[code\]4.1.60919.0\[/code\] of the ControlToolkit. I have tried everything i found on the internet. Here just a few steps:
- Added enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" to the form-element in my MasterPage
- Nested the AjaxFileUpload into an UpdatePanel with UpdateMode=Always
- Tried events UploadedComplete and OnUploadComplete, but stayed at the second one
- Added a try-catch-block in the EventHandler to catch unknown exceptions and print the ExceptionMessage to a label on the site --> nothing happened
- Tried it with(out) a ThrobberImage...
- Many other tipps that did not work...