AJAX Side Menu Navigation


New Member

This Modification shows a floating side menu in the left of your forum just like here on vBCoderz.

1. Upload ssmItems.js and ssm.js to your forum directory.
2. Open your header template, and at the top add:

<style type="text/css">
A.ssmItems:link {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
A.ssmItems:hover {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
A.ssmItems:active {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
A.ssmItems:visited {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
<SCRIPT SRC="ssm.js" language="JavaScript1.2">
<SCRIPT SRC="ssmItems.js" language="JavaScript1.2"></SCRIPT>
AWSOME LOVE IT WORKS EASY AND EASY TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN LINKS, for those who cant figure it out just open up ssmItems.js with a text editor and look for http, then replace with your own links and text and if you add more besure you throw in ssmItems[??] make it look just like the other ones were ?? = what Number is next
Like editing these lines in ssmitems.js

results in
Cheers for this. Great little mod.. but how can I change the link text colour?

I've changed all the other colours to suit my forum style.. but can't find a way of changing this.
Any help welcome.

Thanks :)
h@ck3r said:
Yes... but NOT the link text colour. There is nowhere to change this in the .js file(s). :(

im working on gettin my forums up at the moment but when i get a moment ill find a way to change the txt color for ya, your talkin about the black txt right?

.......theres always a way to change it :)
yea there should be a spot for the link color and enjoy the mod lol had to be a member on a site for 7 days just to be able to download it. and btw the demo site i put is not using it any more. ill get a new link to demo


new demo link added

and thnx for helping people lilfabbro
lilfabbro said:
im working on gettin my forums up at the moment but when i get a moment ill find a way to change the txt color for ya, your talkin about the black txt right?

.......theres always a way to change it :)

Thanks.. yeh that's the text I mean. :)

My hover background colour I have set to dark grey to match my Bluefox style, so I want the hover text colour to be white as black isn't visible. :)
h@ck3r said:
Yes... but NOT the link text colour. There is nowhere to change this in the .js file(s). :(

That needs to be changed in the css code block. BTW, you can add that to your MainCSS Additional CSS box at the bottom of the screen so you don't need to clutter your headinclude template with it. The instructions say header but it should be in the bottom of the headinclude template which is where the javascript call should go (added to the bottom of the template).
bluescorpion said:
That needs to be changed in the css code block

Sorry prob me being dumb but what do you mean?

bluescorpion said:
BTW, you can add that to your MainCSS Additional CSS box at the bottom of the screen so you don't need to clutter your headinclude template with it. The instructions say header but it should be in the bottom of the headinclude template which is where the javascript call should go (added to the bottom of the template).

Cheers for that ;)