$.ajax Post Request not sending POST data


New Member
I'm trying to streamline my login system by using ajax to handle to back and form requests to the server. I want to POST my form data to a PHP page, then return true/false and 'Not Enough Data' if the correct parameters didn't get passed.My problem is that my AJAX request isn't sending the data that I'm giving it to send.Here is my JavaScript function:\[code\]function confirm_login(){ val_UName = document.login_form.username.value; val_Pwd = document.login_form.password.value; var result = null; var scriptUrl = "login_confirm.php"; $.ajax({ url: scriptUrl, type: 'post', data: ({username : val_UName, password : val_Pwd}), dataType: 'html', async: false, success: function(data) { result = data; } }); result = result.split('|'); if(result[1] == 'true') window.location = "index.php"; else alert('Could not log you in!\n\n'+result[0]);}\[/code\]This function is called in the onclick event of the submit button on the form. Now, I've used the debug tools in Chrome and I KNOW that val_UName and val_Pwd are getting the form values. So it's definitely a breakdown between here and the login_confirm.phpJust for completeness' sake, here's what's going on in login_confirm.php (I left out the lines that are connecting to the DB and closing the connection):\[code\]$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);if($username == '' || $password == '') echo 'Not Enough Data|';$login_query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE u_name = '$username' AND pwd = '$password'";$result = mysql_query($login_query);$result_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);if($result_rows > 0){ session_start(); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true; $_SESSION['uname'] = $row['u_name']; $_SESSION['uID'] = $row['pkid']; $_SESSION['email'] = $row['email']; $_SESSION['roleID'] = $row['fk_roleid']; echo 'true';}else{ echo 'false';}\[/code\]Anyone know what's going on here or seen anything like this before?PS. I've even tried changing to using GET and that still doesn't work...