Ajax File Download using Jquery, PHP


New Member
I want to use the ajax functionality to download whereby the user will click the download link which will (using ajax and $_GET) access a PHP file which will process the sent $_GET variables and access the correct file for downloading.I have a few PHP scripts to handle the processing of the $_GET variables which work on their own but when accessed using Ajax, they stop working.The Ajax/PHP code im using is below:\[code\]function ajaxDown(){$('#downloadmsg').html( '<img src=http://stackoverflow.com/"media/images/ajaxloader.gif\" width=\"128\" height=\"15\">');$('#downloadmsg').load('media/downloads/downManager.php?file=".$filequery['filename']."&ftype=".$downex[1]."');}\[/code\]Please look through my code and help me find what Im doing wrong.Thanx