$.ajax arbit missing ; before statement


New Member
initially I used $.get(../../some url); It was working fine.But I had to change the url to complete url like http://thinkmovie.in/blah/blah. After that i started getting 407 proxy authentication error. Then I used this $.ajax with dataype:json\[code\]$('#imgsearch').click(function(){ $('#albumd').html("<img src='http://thinkmovie.in/images/ajax-loader.gif'>"); var text = $('input[name=search]').val(); var cat = $('input[name=cat]').val(); $.ajax({ url: "http://thinkmovie.in/calls/imagesearch.php", data: { text:text,cat:cat }, chache:true, dataType: "jsonp", });});\[/code\]Now the error I m getting is this \[code\]missing ; before statement[Break On This Error] ...margin-top:10px;">sruthi hasan</h2><div id="imagsch" style="float:left;margin-le...\[/code\]I tried to change the datatype to some other format and still getting error. Please help me.