ahhh! iframes are being lame! HELP!


AHHH! My iframe on my page is being an absolute nightmare! When I first go to my site when the window is minimized, the iframe is not in the correct spot and half off the page and not lined up with the graphic at all..But when I maximize the page (F11, or manually..) it's where it needs to be and lined up with the graphic..I have 2 sites and soon to make more, but i need to get this fixed! How do I keep the iframe from moving? blah..=( help me!<br />
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The original HTML Whore,<br />
Nikole<!--content-->ahhhh htmlwhore lol that is funny. well I loved to help but you see, you didn't leave any code for me to examine. so I can't help a whole hell of a lot. :)<!--content-->here is my lame code..heh<br />
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<div id="write" style="position:absolute; top:128px; right:425px"> <iframe name="main" src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"main.html" frameborder="0" style="border:0 dotted white" width="309" height="315" scrolling="auto"> </iframe><br />
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yea, does it make sense? I sure hope it does..cause I can't live in this sucky iframe world anymore! HELLLLLLP! <br />
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The original HTML Whore,<br />
Nikole<!--content-->hehe funny....... well all i can say is that you didn't use percentages in your div tag and the reason it stayed in the same spot was because you used pixels instead. if you dynamically created your div tag then you wouldn't need to worry about it.<!--content-->Oh my dear god! Explain..You lost me.. Like..I'm not even in left field, I'm out of the stadium..that's how bad it is..<br />
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The original HTML Whore,<br />
Nikole<!--content-->lol ok just hang on Nikole,<br />
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ok,see this?<br />
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<div id="write" style="position:absolute; top:128px; right:425px"> <iframe name="main" src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"main.html" frameborder="0" style="border:0 dotted white" width="309" height="315" scrolling="auto"> </iframe> <br />
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see the top:128px; right:425px???<br />
that means you said it to be so many spaces to the right adn so many spaces from the top. if you told it to be that then it doesn't matter waht sixe the bowser is then it will be that many from the edges. now if you told it 5% and 10% then it wouldn't matter what it is, it would be teh same as any resolution.<br />
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did that make since? now that you got me slurring my typing. lol :D<!--content-->*crosses fingers behind back* <br />
...Worked like a charm<br />
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The original HTML Whore,<br />
Nikole<!--content-->wooooo whooooo<br />
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it actually worked??? :D cool. <br />
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the original furry guru :moonie:<!--content-->