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You may have noticed AGX.COM listed for sale in the domains section.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=680181Well">http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthre ... 680181Well</a><!-- m --> I am the real owner of this domain, not the person who posted the message.I had listed AGX.COM for sale on both SitePoint and DNForum, which is probably where this fraudster saw the name, and decided to list it here on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="DigitalPointhttp://www.sitepoint.com/marketplace/auction/19570http://www.dnforum.com/f5/agx-com-fast-deal-big-players-thread-265469.htmlIf">DigitalPointhttp://www.sitepoint.com/ma ... 469.htmlIf</a><!-- m --> possible I'd really like to find the physical street address and contact details of the person who posted this fake ad, so that I can get the police involved in a fraud investigation.However it seems the user account that posted the fake advert was keylogged/hijacked so it might be in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="vainhttp://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?p=6330942#post6330942It's">vainhttp://forums.digitalpoint.com/show ... 330942It's</a><!-- m --> not easy tracking down scammers from just an IP address. I run a few websites that accept credit cards, and even when we have a fraud order and I supply Visa/Mastercard with the - IP address- time of the order- delivery address of the goods (that a fraudster was using)They still tell me they can't trace it, even in the USA. Sad really. It would be great if ISP's cooperated more with fraud investigations.However I suspect the real reason is Visa/MasterCard make a lot more money by charging me (the merchant) for accepting a fraudulent card order in the first place (in my case they sting me with AUD$25 penalty per incident) plus they don't have to spend any money on investigators (saving more money).</rant>I guess the moral of the story is, when buying domains from someone you don't know, always use escrow.com or something equivalent.