Afetr 5 Execution Database Hang


New Member
Software : SQL Server 7.0
1. I have one database.
2. Database have several Tables
3. One Particular table contain 2000,000 Records.
4. I execute the Simple SQL(Select statement) statement in the particular table,
5. First four execution working properly, After that SQL Hang, (Upto Last week Everything working Fine.)
(It open 4 or 5 User name,password Window), Rest of the tables are working properly
6. After that serveral time I tried the Simple SQL statement, SQL Hang.
7. I restart the NT Server after that I execute the SQL statement it is working properly.
8. My Database Size - around 800 MB, Available Free Space - around 225MB
What is the problem, I need immeditely reply from your side.

Thanks & regards..
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