Advice Wanted: Possible to use XML exclusively?


New Member
I created a model for our new site that involved the use of XML for data storage, CSS for display, and ASP.NET/VB.NET for manipulation of that data. But I've run into nothing but problems with the use of ASP.NET with XML.

So I'm considering the novel idea of using XML, XSLT, CSS, XQuery, XForms, etc. exclusively in the creation of my site. I'm thinking that I could have two storage options: XML files to store pure data, and XML files to pull SQL Server DB data
...and I can then display and manipulate the data with all of the related XML languages I mentioned.

So my question is, is it possible to create an entirely dynamic site without the use of ASP.NET, PHP, or any other scripting language...and only using XML and it's related languages?

I'm not sure if I'm way off base with this idea, but I'm losing my mind with the ASP.NET/XML concept. Any & all advice is appreciated.