Here's a setup that works well for me.
Comments = NoFollow.
Top Commentator = 5 DoFollow slots, w/ DoFollow ONLY on front page, with NoFollow enabled for other pages.
You can also do Recent Comments w/ 5 slots, top 2 DoFollow, bottom 3 NoFollow.
This will encourage
A) frequent commenting (recent comments),
B) Long Term commenting (top commentators).
C) And it will encourage people to post relevant things. (comment moderation)
Alter according to your own tastes/experience
AND you'll only be giving away 3-7 DoFollow links, which isn't that much if your site is extensive. I'd try this out. I don't put comments on my pages, maybe it's about time that I do. Comments can help traffic and interaction. I've had many returning visitors through comments and creating relationships and networking!! Any tips on how to find blogs with top commentator plugin?
Comments = NoFollow.
Top Commentator = 5 DoFollow slots, w/ DoFollow ONLY on front page, with NoFollow enabled for other pages.
You can also do Recent Comments w/ 5 slots, top 2 DoFollow, bottom 3 NoFollow.
This will encourage
A) frequent commenting (recent comments),
B) Long Term commenting (top commentators).
C) And it will encourage people to post relevant things. (comment moderation)
Alter according to your own tastes/experience
AND you'll only be giving away 3-7 DoFollow links, which isn't that much if your site is extensive. I'd try this out. I don't put comments on my pages, maybe it's about time that I do. Comments can help traffic and interaction. I've had many returning visitors through comments and creating relationships and networking!! Any tips on how to find blogs with top commentator plugin?