Advanced Preloading


Hi to everyone!!!<br />
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So this is my first post(in this board) and a though(?) question right at the start.<br />
I am currently trying to create an webpage which has an high-speed option with quite an graphic-intense startpage(topframe)whose graphics i'd like to preload before showing the site. As these graphics (1xavi;17xjgp) are over one megabyte big, i'll need to show an progress bar so that people who don't have an highspeed internet-access and are loading this page won't think that its hanging.<br />
So far so good. There a many preloadscripts on the net you can find but all i've found have one serious disadvantage: the progress bar is actualized only once after every file is preloaded. As i have one big and many small files to preload this means for my page:<br />
As it starts to preload the progress bar is showing nothing for quite a long time, then jumps to ~80%(after the avi is loaded) and then actualizes every 1% up to 100%.<br />
Thats of course not much better than having no preload script at all.<br />
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So my question is how to create an preload(w bar) which also uses the filesizes to actualize the bar.<br />
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I really hope someone can give me a hint for my problem (and if it's just an direction and not a solution).<br />
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p.s. i'prefer an java solution but asp,php,... would do it also<br />
p.p.s. i hope you understood my english ;)<br />
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THANKS IN ADVANCE<!--content-->You could do the loading bar in Flash. I would do my very best to reduce the size of the images. One meg is huge and would take forever to load on a 56k modem. I will get back to you on this.<!--content-->Hi prodeveloping<br />
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I don't know flash at all(as i try to avoid every plugin) so i don`t know how or weather you can preload an avi with it and use it then OUTSIDE of flash on my html page(i`ve searched on the net right now but have not found something about it yet). please tell me more<br />
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p.s. about the size : the page will exist in an high- and an low-speed version. (the one megabyte version is of course the high-speed version). I decided to do so as high-speed internet accesses are now cheaper than modem connections and are spreading very much right now.<!--content-->I think this is a bad idea all around. Preloading an avi clip? add in some imaes to equal 1meg? No way. You are going to lose major traffic! At the very least, display the pics as soon as possible while loading the avi. <br />
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When I hit a site I want to see something in less than 15seconds. Trying to preload 1meg of video/ pics just isn't surfer friendly.<!--content-->well perhaps i haven`t explained it enough:<br />
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theree will be two version of the site which the user can choose from :<br />
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1. for dial-up users (ISDN or slower)<br />
size of the startpage: ~60kb<br />
time to load on ISDN: ~10 sec<br />
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2. for highspeed-users (cable or faster)<br />
size of the startpage: ~1mb<br />
time to load on ADSL(768kps): <20 sec<!--content-->Originally posted by klopps <br />
I decided to do so as high-speed internet accesses are now cheaper than modem connections and are spreading very much right now. <br />
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Only if you get rid of a 2nd phone line to get the line. I have to keep the second line, so it would be like 20 dollars more per month. Sometime soon, though.<!--content-->quote:<br />
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Originally posted by prodeveloping <br />
it would be like 20 dollars more per month.<br />
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I don纾