Advanced Features for Counters


I have seen a counter somewhere that shows the audience at the main page:<br />
currently viewing online people.<br />
daily hits<br />
old fashion total hits<br />
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Where can i get a counter that includes all 3?<!--content-->There is a powerful tracker that does most of that. (Defining "current viewers" is a difficult if not impossible proposition for any counter or tracker.) Check out:<br />
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They allow one free tracker per site. If you want to track every page of your site, there is a fee.<br />
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To see it in action, visit:<br />
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This is my interactive colorwheel. At the bottom of the page, there is a small square icon of a globe with an electronic orbit around it. Click it, and you will be brought to the report pages. There is usually a 1/2 hour or so lag between a visit and when it shows up in the reports. So if you want to see yourself, you will have to revisit the reports maybe an hour later (to be sure).<br />
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I did not know about htmlForums until my tracker report showed visits from here. I'm glad I linked back to see what this site is. :)<!--content-->You mean this?<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->You can also use ASP to display the no. of users online.<br />
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