Advance Search Page


Hi, I want to make an advance search page. I know what I want, just not how to implent it in HTML.<br />
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I'm using a CGI based shopping cart that has a build in database.<br />
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I'm using several drop-down boxes for different search options.<br />
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Now this I cant achieve: When I press on the submit button I a hyperlink that contain a sertain varialble link (example: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &search=x3</a><!-- w -->) and where x1-3 are replaced by the values of the drop-down boxes.<br />
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Can ayone help me?<br />
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With regards<br />
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KillerHIS<!--content-->An advanced search is quite an advanced application. Your going to have to directly edit the source code of the original search script so it can handle more specific data input. Which, of coarse, will require a working knowledge of the language.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->why do you want to use html?<!--content-->