New Member
Today i encountered this website and because i am also planning to use adsense on my site, i was thinking this might be a good tool to have for checking up on things.http://www.revenuecheckerforadsense.com/security.htmlWhat is your oppinion on this tool?Do you guys use these kind of tools? if so what other options are there available?I don't wanna sound stingy but if I am makin an extra money I certainly would wasted on something that I can do on the actual google site plus I still don't trust other site unless their google with information cause that way I can sue them is something happens to my infoI wouldn't trust ANY website that wanted my adsense login and password, no matter what service they provide.Yes, i was thinking the same but i'm kind of paranoid when it comes to money Money is the root of all evil... HAhah Yea well I only trust google. for some strange reason. you're not aloneS1L3NCER wrote: