adsense idea

M to the C

New Member
this came to me earlier, but I don't know if I can/should do it: have a php script randomly "pick" which google script to use. different ads are on different channels and use different color schemes- this could help in two areas. 1) it would prevent users from being "desensitized" to the ads after viewing them once 2) you'd be able to see which channel (ie color scheme) is most effective, if you're only doing this temporarily. that being said, am I allowed to do this?I would think that if you're using a server-side language like php to insert the ads it should be ok since you wouldn't be modifying the adsense code itself but merely inserting different versions of it into the page dynamically. I've thought of doing something along these lines to provide different color themes using stylesheets with the adsense colors matching the theme. You should probably run it by the adsense people first though - I've found them to be pretty responsive to questions.Yea, I don't see anything wrong with doing that.Another thing you can do which I've seen, would be to randomly move the adverts to different positions, or maybe serve different positions to each visitor, and see which gets the best click, might have to try that too. here's the color scheme code of anyone wants it:put this in a file called "googlead.php"<?$OpenDir = opendir("ads");while ($DirFiles = readdir($OpenDir)) { $Filename = "ads/" . $DirFiles; if (is_file($Filename)) { if (!isset($i)) { $i = 0; } else { $i++; } $Ads[$i] = $Filename; }}$RandAd = rand(0, $i);include($Ads[$RandAd]);?>then in your main page use this:<?php include (""); ?>then make a folder called "ads" and create files called ad1, ad2, ad3 etc, all with a .txt exention. then just paste the different ads in the text files.