ADOCommand Object


New Member
I can't seem to find any good examples of how to call a stored procedure using the ADOCommand object. Does anyone have any example code they'd like to share? Or links to some examples?<BR><BR>Thank you,<BR><BR>~~ TonyDo we just do something like this:<BR><BR>*******************************<BR>oConn = new SQLConnection(sConn)<BR>oCmd = new SQLDataSetCommand("exec sp_MyStoredProc", oConn)<BR>*******************************<BR><BR>or is there a way to define the ADOCommand object as a storedprocedure (like in classic ADO)? If the above is the way to do it, how would one pass parameters to the proc? I can't seem to find any kind of documentation on this.Never mind..........I just found my answer.<BR><BR>Thanks anyway.