ADO persisted XML format - any 'leaner'?


Staff member
I have to support several client plattforms (Win32 and Unix derivates) to communicate with a W2K application server farm.Some of the data will be exchanged as ADO recordsets which will be converted/serialized as XML.Now my question: is there a more minimal XML representation (than ADO RDR) that is needed to (re)create an ADO recordset on the server?I.e. what XML representation do my Unix clients have to manualy build to achieve the desired effect?Thanx,Christian-------------------------------------------------------------Christian Weyer eYesoftMartinstra遝 139 Softwareentwicklung und64285 Darmstadt <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> Tel.+ Fax: +49-(0)6151-62325 Mobil: +49-(0)175-2914416-----------------------------------------------------------Verteilte Architekturen unter Windows NT / Windows 2000+ Schulung + Beratung + Entwurf + Implementierung +-----------------------------------------------------------