ADO.NET Troubles. Can't access ADO from *.asp


New Member
I am having trouble using the ADO.NET objects in my aspx pages. I have imported the System.Data.ADO namespace, but I still cannot access any of its members. It is my understanding that System.Data contains the ADO memebers, and I tried only using that, but no luck... I'm wondering if there is still some configuration that needs to be done to use these objects from the System.Data.DLL. Thanks in advance for any help.
red head Webcam ( traditional ASP pages (*.asp) keep using the exact same ADO code you used before. In ASP.NET pages (*.aspx) use the .NET Framework classes (like the classes in the namespace System.Data.OleDb or System.Data.SqlClient).<BR><BR>For a snippet of code that access a database in an ASP.NET Web page, see:<BR> am actually building aspx pages. The problem is that I am using the System.Data.ADO directive in my page, but I still cannot use members such as ADOConnection.&nbsp;<BR>The namespace System.Data.Ado on Beta 1 has been replaced on Beta 2 by System.Data.OleDb.<BR><BR>they are the same thing. <BR>happy programming<BR>asb