hi,<BR>in asp if i wanted to make a field from a db<BR>go into 2 columns in a table, i'd do something like this...<BR><%<BR>bSwitch = False<BR>Do While Not objRS.eof<BR> If bSwitch Then<BR> Response.Write("<tr><td>" & objRS("strField1") & "</td>")<BR> Else<BR> Response.Write("<td>" & objRS("strField1") & "</td><tr>")<BR> End If<BR> objRS.MoveNext<BR> If bSwitch And objRS.eof Then Response.Write("<td></td></tr>") ' Tidy the table up if the recordcount is uneven<BR>Loop<BR>%><BR><BR>any1 know how i can do the same using VB.Net and ADO.Net.<BR>It'd like to use an asp:repeater or asp:datagrid if possible, but i don't think it is.<BR><BR>thnx in advance.