chakru said:I don't really get you!!!
kscoolcat said:thanks for replying to support me but am not clear about ur answer
chakru said:I never came across such mod before.. u can read others pm there is a mod for that.. but u cant really moderate pms I think so.. no idea..
I hope this time things are bit clear!!
chakru said:I never came across such mod before.. u can read others pm there is a mod for that.. but u cant really moderate pms I think so.. no idea..
I hope this time things are bit clear!!
chakru said:
filez said:wtf why do you want to read your members private messages for..and dont give me the bullshit answer im checking for spam. I can't see any reason for this and if and when members on your sites catch wind of you reading their messages say good bye to membership as it will drop to the floor.