Admin Panel

hello, i am not sure if i am in the right area here but here goes. I created a website for my friends band and wanted to create a password locked admin panel so that the members can add news in themselves without me, is this achievable? please respond with how to do this. :thumbup:Yes, you need to have a database then authenticate user name and password against it. Then create the pages that will handle listing, edit and addition of news.could you give me a tutorial or maybe you know of a site that could supply me with such a thing please?I have written many of them but I am unable to give you reign on someone elses backend database controls.

A basic tutorial of database ??? or full blown stuff like news content and stuff like that.... if you don;t know how to do it then I would suggest using an off the shelf product or an open source. I am not sure of any off the top of my head. but you can check <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
they have plenty of products that do that stuff.