admin cant edit post...pls help


New Member
I made one of my user admin of my site (with all powers ie super admin) but he is able to edit or delete posts in the forum.
This problem started after moving my site to a new server....
(i THINK that some of the files was coorupted while transferring to new server)
Does any one know wat the file would be....
reupload original files, although i don´t think the error is in one of those files.
How did you do the move from the old hoster to the new one ?
The whole site got .tar-ed and then i moved it to the new server and i untar-ed it.

P.S.: I'm using a valid license that i recently added.
how did you move the database ? that what i wanted to actually know, should have asked more precise for that.

The user/admin that can´t edit or delete posts is in the admin usergroup right ?
Permissions to be able to delete and edit posts are set ok for this usergroup ?
Screenshot would be nice ^^

If you got a license, then why not opening a ticket at ?
I made a back-up of it via phpmyadmin, and the re-uploaded it on the other server, via phpmyadmin.
Yes, the admin that can't delete or edit other's posts is in the admin usergroup. It CAN delete it's own posts but not other's.

Screenshots of what?

The hell with

P.S.: I'm re-uploading the files right now.

Later edit: Re-uploading the files didn't help at all...
screenshots of the usergroup permission where it says what the usergroup can do about deleting posts and editing posts