Adequate Page Title Strategy in SEO


New Member

We have some dilemmas now with Google Panda and other issues regarding picking the best page title for several sites...

We've been experimenting a while.


How advised is it to use the same combination of words e.g. "hotel reservation" in you page title on multiple pages?

We intend to use such combinations on page titles:
"New York Hotel Reservations"
"Chicago Hotel Reservations"
"Rio de Janeiro Hotel Reservations"
"Buenos Aires Hotel Reservations"

Overall, we don't overuse keywords, but this would be logical to write so.
Would this be spammy according to recent SEO trends?


Enumerations, symbols like "," ";" ":" and "-"
What importance do they have in page titles?

I know that in content, enumeration is not good.

Example: "Cars, planes, trains, motorbikes, bicycles"

Matt Cutts said once that "_" is better to use with file name extensions than "-"

But how are symbols behaving in page titles?


What is better?

"Health insurance advice" or "Health Insurance Advice". Capitalizing first letters in title is the idea.


Titles should be <64 or 64 characters... they say. But: longer is better, shorter is better?


Google had an issue with special symbols (e.g. Wingdings symbols), triangles in the page title. Should we avoid them?

How about using "*" star at the beginning of each page title?

I'd like to know what you thing on these specific points. We're struggling to create a great page title for a client and then the rest... I am not sure about all of the different symbols that you are talking about. I know that I try to