Address box logo


How can you modify the logo that appears at the start of the address box (like on this site).<!--content-->try here...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks for the advise.<br />
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I've create the icon with the favicon program and out it on the site. But it doesn't show up.<br />
The help menu of favicon doesn't say you need to add anu code to your page. However if you want different icons on different pages you need to add:<br />
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="../Icon1.ico"><br />
So I did that, but no result.<br />
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My site consists of frames so I wasn't sure where to add the code, so I added in every page (or template since I use dreamweaver).<br />
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You can see the code in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
as well as in the pages that appear in the frames like <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. />
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Any idea what the problem could be?<!--content-->First try this if your using Internet explorer<br />
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Use a 16x16 pixel icon and see if it works.Just resize your 32x32 pixel icon to 16x16 and see if it works.<!--content-->you have to name the icon favicon.ico you can't use icon.ico.<br />
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if you use 1 icon you need to set it in the main directory where you have index.html. then when you add your site to your favorites then it should show up in there and also on the address bar. but notice it says favicon.ico means favorite icon.<!--content-->As I understand it, it will only show up in IE 5.5 or higher. No Netscape.<br />
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Also, it seems IE doesn't look very hard for it. You have to Save As Favourite, atleast, before it will acknoledge* the icons' existance and show it. I believe Refreshing the page a couple times will work too.<br />
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Icons will be stored in the Cache (Just like HTML pages and pictures), so if the cache is setup to delete stuff after some time/max size, the icon will fade away; thus necessitating A) a revisit to the site, B) a Refreshing at said site, C) and maybe even re-favouritizing it again, but doubt that last one.<br />
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*Is that how you spell that?<!--content-->Yes there are some tricky things. At first it didn't work, but then I deleted the temporary internet files and yes it worked. So I guess the icons (or the default ones) are stored in the cache! Indeed it doesn't show up in Netscape, well perhaps in the next version.<br />
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* = acknowledge?<!--content-->Yea! That's the word! :D I new I didunt speak Englush* for 19 lears for nothing!<br />
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I right away it was spelt wrong, but at that one instant, I couldn't remember how to spell that.<br />
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Ah, well, that would necessitate NS start calling them 'favourites', when they've been calling them 'bookmarks' for aeons... It would be like going over to the dark side.. <br />
And, they've already had the opportunity. FavIcons have been around for a little while before NS 6 came out.. And if my scant knowledge is correct, NS6 don't gots FavIcons.<br />
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* Pronoucned Ing'Gloosh :D 娅