Adding text inputted from prompt to text area


Staff member
i have a notice board on my website and i would like to add the ability to add email addresses, URL's, bold text, Change size etc. similar to the options you can have on this forum.
I have written script to open prompt and write entered text to a variable for each option.

What tags do i need to add to the text for say bold?
Is it just the same tags as HTML but use [] instead?

So after i format the string what is the code for adding this to the text area?

How does the smiles work?

If i click on it adds the text to the text area is this stored in the database in string format then when the post is displayed the string is scanned and cross referenced with the smiles table and then :confused: ??????? Maybe the string is scanned for these sets of characters then replaced with the image??

Well if anyone can help me figure this out it would be great.

Thanks in advance for any help recieved.