Adding Subroot elements in XML


New Member
I'm making an XML Document which contains subroot nodes. I'm using \[code\]XmlDocument\[/code\] and adding the child nodes.This is my code:\[code\] XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration dec = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null); doc.AppendChild(dec); XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("LICENSE"); if (strGInfo == "") { strGInfo = "N/A"; } XmlElement ginfo = doc.CreateElement("GENERAL_INFO"); ginfo.InnerText = strGInfo; root.AppendChild(ginfo); if (strLNo == "") { strLNo = "N/A"; } XmlElement subroot = doc.CreateElement("LICENSE_INFO"); //XmlElement root1 = doc.CreateElement("LICENSE_INFO"); XmlElement lno = doc.CreateElement("LICENCE_NO"); lno.InnerText = txtLNo.Text; subroot.AppendChild(lno); if (strUID == "") { strUID = "N/A"; } XmlElement uid = doc.CreateElement("USER_ID"); uid.InnerText = txtUID.Text; subroot.AppendChild(uid); if (strOrg == "") { strOrg = "N/A"; } XmlElement org = doc.CreateElement("ORGANIZATION"); org.InnerText = txtOrg.Text; subroot.AppendChild(org); if (strUName == "") { strUName = "N/A"; } XmlElement uname = doc.CreateElement("USER_NAME"); uname.InnerText = txtUName.Text; subroot.AppendChild(uname); if (strSType == "") { strSType = "N/A"; } XmlElement stype = doc.CreateElement("SOLUTION_TYPE"); stype.InnerText = txtSType.Text; subroot.AppendChild(stype); if (strVer == "") { strVer = "N/A"; } XmlElement ver = doc.CreateElement("VERSION"); ver.InnerText = txtVer.Text; subroot.AppendChild(ver); XmlElement ltype = doc.CreateElement("LICENCE_TYPE"); ltype.InnerText = drpLType.SelectedItem.Text; subroot.AppendChild(ltype); if (strMeapSupp == "") { strMeapSupp = "N/A"; } XmlElement meapsupp = doc.CreateElement("MEAP_SUPPORT"); meapsupp.InnerText = rdoMeapSupport.Text; subroot.AppendChild(meapsupp); XmlElement LicFrom = doc.CreateElement("LICENCE_FROM"); LicFrom.InnerText = lblLFrom.Text; subroot.AppendChild(LicFrom); XmlElement LicTo = doc.CreateElement("LICENCE_TO"); LicTo.InnerText = lblLTo.Text; subroot.AppendChild(LicTo); XmlElement suppfrom = doc.CreateElement("SUPPORT_FROM"); suppfrom.InnerText = lblSuppFrom.Text; subroot.AppendChild(suppfrom); XmlElement suppto = doc.CreateElement("SUPPORT_TO"); suppto.InnerText = lblSuppTo.Text; subroot.AppendChild(suppto); doc.AppendChild(subroot); XmlElement subroot2 = doc.CreateElement("LICENCE_CONSTRAINT"); if (strMaxUsr == "") { strMaxUsr = "N/A"; } XmlElement maxusr = doc.CreateElement("MAX_USER"); maxusr.InnerText = txtMaxUsr.Text; subroot2.AppendChild(maxusr); if (strMaxMach == "") { strMaxMach = "N/A"; } XmlElement maxmach = doc.CreateElement("MAX_MACHINE"); maxmach.InnerText = txtMaxMach.Text; subroot2.AppendChild(maxmach); if (strMachIP == "") { strMachIP = "N/A"; } doc.AppendChild(subroot2); XmlElement subroot3 = doc.CreateElement("MACHINE_INFO"); XmlElement machip = doc.CreateElement("MACHINE_IP"); machip.InnerText = txtMachIP.Text; subroot3.AppendChild(machip); if (strMachMac == "") { strMachMac = "N/A"; } XmlElement machmac = doc.CreateElement("MACHINE_MAC"); machmac.InnerText = txtMachMac.Text; subroot3.AppendChild(machmac); doc.AppendChild(subroot3); XmlElement subroot4 = doc.CreateElement("LICENCE_SIGNATURE"); XmlElement UqID = doc.CreateElement("UNIQUE_ID"); UqID.InnerText = txtUqID.Text; subroot4.AppendChild(UqID); doc.AppendChild(subroot4); doc.Save(@"D:\New.xml");\[/code\]My XML Document should look something like this:\[code\]-<LICENSE> <GENERAL_INFO> </GENERAL INFO>-<LICENSE_INFO> <LICENSE_NO> </LICENSE_NO> <USER_ID> </USER_ID> //etc-<LICENCE_CONSTRAINT> <MAX_USER> </MAX_USER> <MAX_MACHINE> </MAX_MACHINE> </LICENCE_CONSTRAINT>-<MACHINE_INFO> <MACHINE_IP> </MACHINE_IP> <MACHINE_MAC> </MACHINE_MAC> </MACHINE_INFO></LICENSE_INFO>\[/code\]Where am I going wrong?