New Member
This was also sent to Scott at 4guys about his populating a drop down list in Asp.Net article....just thought I may get an answer here as well so.....<BR><BR>Great article on populating a drop down list with DB data in Asp.Net. Exactly what I needed.<BR><BR>One question though, I have a drop down (asp:listbox) that populates with my data but I want to add a text drop down option that displays "Select One" in front of all of the other data that the DB populates with.<BR><BR>I tried adding a <asp:listitem> tag but at run time those seem to be ignored as the control is bound only to the DB data.<BR><BR>Any ideas (short of adding "Select One" to the DB table) to solve this problem???<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Matt Anderson<BR>www.the3dstudio.comJust added an article on this topic on 4Guys:<BR><BR><BR>Happy Programming!Thanks again, perfect timing.