adding sound to a page when it is being loaded


how do i add music to a page when it loads and how do i get it to repeat the music when he music is finished???<!--content--><embed src="musicfile.wav" autostart=true hidden=true repeat=true><!--content-->what if my file is not a wav file???<!--content-->What type of file is it? You can use .wav, .mp3, .mid, .midi...<br />
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Jona<!--content-->As long as the browser will recognise it as a music file, it should work.<!--content-->ok...can i load it from another website???<!--content-->oh, does that go in the body or head???<!--content-->noooooooooooooooooo...<br />
it won't work on msn networks pages...<br />
is there any other way???<!--content-->It goes in the body tag, and it only works if the server you are linking do does not have hotlinking protection (allows anyone to access their files from multiple or different domains).<br />
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Jona<!--content-->there is NO BODY TAG on pages in MSN networks!!!<!--content-->All HTML pages have a body tag, unless they are frameset pages. If it is a frameset, put the code in a body tag in a frame.<!--content-->Originally posted by neenach2002 <br />
there is NO BODY TAG on pages in MSN networks!!! neen....<br />
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do you mean that you are still having <body> tag issues?!<br />
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what happened to your HTML book?<br />
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there is a pattern developing around your web development..<br />
and unfortnately it points to you.<br />
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and just out of curiosity...<br />
what is "MSN networks" pages?<br />
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you should be writing "web pages"... which are structurally all the same.<br />
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uh-oh... maybe it's time to re-read chapter 1 again :rolleyes:<br />
;)<br />
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fun'in wit ya...<br />
;) k<!--content-->but...<br />
on msn when i type <html> at the beginning, it shows up in the page!!!<!--content-->Then you are not creating it as an HTML file.<br />
HTML only runs in an HTML file.<!--content-->oh...i just realized that msnw appears at end of page, i.e.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Your link doesn't work.<br />
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But you are not creating HTML pages. It sounds like you are just typing HTML code into a message board. You do not have control over the HTML code in the MSN Groups pages.<!--content-->the link wasn't supposed to work, it was an example of what a page on msn would have at the end of it...and BTW, there is an option to 'Edit your page using HTML" iw ould think that HTML coding would work...<!--content-->also, the correct URL for the link is...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->how do i make a button that would allow me to play sound when it is clicked???<!--content-->