Any ideas why this way of adding the \[code\]html\[/code\]-markup for scrollability does not work correctly?Here's what I've done so far:\[code\]var container = document.createElement('div'); = "transe-container";$(container).css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, width: $(window).width(), overflow: 'hidden'});$(document.createElement('div')).appendTo(container).addClass('scrollable vertical');$(document.body).wrapInner(container);\[/code\]It seems that the problem is not in the markup, rather than the way of adding it. What i mean with problem is, that my solution not work properly on iOS-devices (tried on iPhone & iPad). It stucks ca. \[code\]~1ms\[/code\] if you move your finger and release it then.