adding score out of in vb6


Staff member
I am creating a maths program for kids aged between 4 and 8

I want to be able to add a score out of
so it shows how many they have got right

I have an idea how to do it but can't seem to do it!

I have created a lable called lblOutOf, which will show what the score is out of
I also have created a label called lblScore, which will show the score

as my program stands you have to get the answer correct before moving on but I want to set this to after 3 attempts then you can see how many they got right.

Can anyone help?

I have a cmdStart button that brings up the calculation
I have a cmdEnter button that can be clicked once an answer is given
and I have a cmdNext Button when the answer is right. I have used the enable to command so you can only select the appropriate buttons. So if you press start you then cant press it again...

YOu can help I'd be greatful all the best, C