adding pdf file

Have a website with basic HTML including tables. Would like to add some PDF pages which I have made with Adobe 5.0. Is there and HTML tag to do this? If not, how is it done? Thanks. fmo<!--content-->Put it in as a regular link.<br />
<A href="/folder/xxx.pdf">Click here to see my .pdf file</A><br />
Folks can then click on it to see the .pdf or right click to save it.<br />
<br />
-Jeffro<!--content-->Originally posted by crazyheffro <br />
Put it in as a regular link.<br />
<A href="/folder/xxx.pdf">Click here to see my .pdf file</A><br />
Folks can then click on it to see the .pdf or right click to save it.<br />
-Jeffro <br />
What Jeffro said is correct. But you may intead want to use:<br />
<br />
<a href="/folder/xxx.pdf">Effects of depleting ozone</a> (215 KB)<br />
<br />
Now, your visitors will know what they are Download <!--more-->ing. Users with dialup connexn may not want to Download <!--more--> large files, so stating file size may be helpful.<!--content-->