adding MS Access file....


I would like to make a link to an Access database from my web page. The database has a form which is used to query the database. I am wondering if it is possible to have just this form open when I click on the link to the database (i.e. Access doesn't appear to open). Can someone tell me if this can be done, and if so, how complicated/time consuming it would be?<br />
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Thanks so much!<!--content-->To make a link? As in to let people Download <!--more-->? It whould be like anyother link just <a href="urdatabase.mdb">my mdb</a><br />
But however that not what I think you mean. You cannot just simply 'link' a data base and have it display data. You whould have to use server side scripting. I am using to do just this right now. I can have a data base with a table whith a bunch of feilds on it and then have the connect to this data base and display this data on an data grid object. Its a little bit advanced, however msaccess does have features that will render your data base as an html file. Why dont you just make your stuff in access then turn it in to html? It seems to me that it whould be a lot easyer for you to do that then get into server side scripting. If you really want to get into it your data base connecting code whould look a little something like this<br />
Sub Page_Load(ByVal Sender as Object, ByVal E as EventArgs)<br />
Dim DBConn as OleDbConnection<br />
Dim DBCommand As OleDbDataAdapter<br />
Dim DSmemData as New DataSet<br />
DBConn = New OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _<br />
& "DATA SOURCE=" _<br />
& Server.MapPath("/knightsempire/db/members/" _<br />
& "members.mdb;"))<br />
DBCommand = New OleDbDataAdapter _<br />
("Select memname, rank, rankval, bots, sc, d2, wc3 " _<br />
& "From members Order By rankval DESC", DBConn)<br />
DBCommand.Fill(DSmemdata, _<br />
"gridinfo")<br />
memlst.DataSource = _<br />
DSmemData.Tables("gridinfo").DefaultView<br />
memlst.DataBind()<br />
End Sub<br />
<br />
That is some of the script that will print data from that data base inside an data grid object and then it will be rendered dynamically by the server as an html file.<!--content-->Now to query this data bae you can make the forum, in a server side language of your choice of cource, but it is probably going to end up requiring sql knowledge just for users to use it. Depending on how you set it up. As for the time consuming part, very, for someone that does not alredy know a server side language or sql because you whould have to learn it to do it.<!--content-->