Adding Extensions to PHP<


Seriously, I dont understand anything. quite new at PHP and this stuff, but I've managed ok until now. I thought I should play a bit with the Image and pdf functions in PHP, but it says I need the proper extensions. That I do understand of course, but how do I add them???

(I use Apache 2.0.49 Win32. the Module version or what you call it. Not the CGI one. My PHP version is the new 5.0.0RC1.)

I uncommented the lines in php.ini.
;extension=php_gd2.dll -> extension=php_gd2.dll
;extension=php_pdf.dll -> extension=php_pdf.dll

and restarted the Apache2 Service.

Then I got the error saying:
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/php/php_gd2.dll' - The specified module could not be found
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/php/php_pdf.dll' - The specified module could not be found

which I thought was kind of understandable, so I went to the php directory, into the ext folder, and moved those to files from c:\php\ext -> c:\php.

I restart the service once again, it works a short while, but then I get this!! :

Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
I press close, and get "The request operation has failed!" from Apache Service Manager, and the service is dead. When I comment the lines back in php.ini, everything is back to normal...

so could anyone please tell me how to get this to work? what am I doing wrong? I dont understand anything at all....:confused:ok, now I REALLY dont understand anything...
changed the extension_dir from "c:/php/" to "c:/php/ext/"

which worked!! which is kind of great, but why didn't it work the last time I changed it?? then it said something about, missing the php5ts.dll file or something....

well, maybe my php stuff just like playing with me....:rolleyes:you also have a setting in the php.ini that tell php where your extensions are.

and you will get undesirable results when you do the gd2.dll. just leave what comes defualt on as it works just as good.undesirable results when you do the gd2.dll.I have never gotten php_gd2.dll to work. tha tis all I meant.

what comes packaged with php works fine and it is version 2