Need some help to add PHP into HTML. I am trying to embed PHP code snippet in HTML however output is showing the snippet itself in the text box instead of evaluating it.In HTML (register.php), added the below lines of code\[code\]<tr> <td> <?php utils::addControl('Name','label'); ?> </td> <td> <?php utils::addControl('username','text'); ?> </td></tr>\[/code\]Here is the source of utils::addControl()\[code\] public function addControl($ctlName, $type) { switch ($type) { case 'text': echo <<<EOT <input type='text' name='$ctlName' value='<?php echo htmlspecialchars($ctlName); ?>'> EOT; break; case 'label': echo "<label for id='lbl$ctlName'>$ctlName</label>"; break; }\[/code\]Output is showing \[code\]<?php echo htmlspecialchars(username); ?>\[/code\] in the text box.What should be done in order to get the PHP snippet evaluated properly. TIA.