Adding coloured usernames + ranks

Go to ACP > UserGrooups > User Groups manager > Edit (the usergroup for that you want the change) and add in Username HTML Markup the HTML code. In first box the opening tags and in the second the closing tags. E.g:

<span style="color: *Color in HEX or the name of it*;"><b> *here will be the username* </b></span>
In the Admin CP you go to useranks and add a new one, but you just add an HTML code with the hex color you want. A bit less detailed than Risico's post but oh well.

Hey, I go on RaGEZONE too! Whats your name on it?
No problem for my help. Also, thanks for thanking me lol. =]

No, my username isn't really lost_witness on RZ, I chose this username for a reason. Also, my RZ username is PixelPro123. =]
<font color="green">

there is the code to make the group green

if you want it a diff color just change the "green" to w/e you want.