New Member
I realise this problem may have been touched on before but here goes.I have coded the top banner of a page that I am working on.I am now required to add an image underneath that will have text sitting on top of it along with a form field and button.This ideally needs to be situated within a div tag. This won't work however, no matter how hard I try it is unresponsive to my coding. Every time I try to place a background-image in the div wrapping the center content it just plain wont show. Due to this I have ended up placing the image inside of the div as a normal image and having my text and form fields positioned absolute.This seemed to work fine and nearing the end of the project I decided to check it out on firefox and a few different resolutions.This resulted in my form fields and content within that section shifting to the right!Can anybody help me here?Really am stuck for a way to sort this.You can find my code at