Adding a node's text string into it's previous sibling's child text string


New Member
I am attempting to move a node into it's previous sibling's child, and the fact that everything is on the same level is making it a little tricky for me.Illustration of my input:\[code\]<dl> <dlentry> <dt> Title 1 </dt> <dd> Title 1's definition </dd> <dt> Title 2 </dt> <dd> Title 2's definition </dd> <dt> Title 3 </dt> <dd> Title 3's definition </dd> </dlentry></dl> <p> part of title 3's definition </p><p> another part of title 3's definition </p>\[/code\]What I am attempting to do is to take those 2 \[code\]<p>\[/code\] elements at the bottom and concatenate their text to end of the last \[code\]<dd>\[/code\] element's text in \[code\]<dlentry>\[/code\] because they are a part of that definition for "Title 3". Desired output:\[code\]<dl> <dlentry> <dt> Title 1 </dt> <dd> Title 1's definition </dd> <dt> Title 2 </dt> <dd> Title 2's definition </dd> <dt> Title 3 </dt> <dd> Title 3's definition part of title 3's definition another part of title 3's definition </dd> </dlentry></dl>\[/code\]Another issue I'm dealing with is because of how bad the XHTML is in my source document, I need to do a regex match to on the text for those \[code\]<p>\[/code\] elements to make sure it doesn't hit anywhere else in the document.I was able to successfully insert the first \[code\]<p>\[/code\]'s text as desired but am having trouble getting it to work in so I can do my regex match and also getting that 2nd element's text into the desired location as well. Here is a code fragment from my stylesheet, using XSLT 2.0.\[code\]<xsl:analyze-string select="." regex="my regex expression here"><xsl:template match="dlentry"> <xsl:matching-substring> <dlentry> ** <xsl:copy-of select="node()[ position() lt last()]"/> <dd> <xsl:copy-of select="node()[last()]/text()" /> <xsl:copy-of select=" parent::node()/following-sibling::node()[1]/text()"/> </dd> </dlentry> </xsl:matching-substring> <xsl:non-matching-substring> <xsl:value-of select="."> </xsl:non-matching-substring></xsl:template><xsl:template match="p[preceding-sibling::node()[1][self::node()[name(.)='dl']]]" /><xsl:template match="p[preceding-sibling::node()[2][self::node()[name(.)='dl']]]" />\[/code\]At the code line with the ** asterisks Saxon throws an error saying "Axis step child::node() cannont be used here: the context item is an atomic value." I am not familiar with analyze-string but if I run my copy-of selects outside of analyze-string and just in a template, it runs fine.Sorry that this question was kind of long but I wanted to share everything I had to this point.Thanks in advance.