Add user control and handle parent event c#


New Member
I want to dynamically create an submitform containing various usercontrols that i create. Ex:\[code\]<div class="fieldControl"><asp:Label AssociatedControlID="TextField" runat="server"><%=LabelText %></asp:Label><asp:TextBox ID="tbText" runat="server" /></div> \[/code\]The controls should be added based on an xml:\[code\]<Fields> <Group name="Main" text="Innhold"> <Field type="TextBox" name="Name" text="Navn"></Field> <Field type="TextBox" name="Test" text="Test"></Field> </Group></Fields>\[/code\]When i on my parent control Edit.ascx clicks on the save button. I want to handle this event on every added usercontrol.Can you point me in what direction i should go, creating and handling save event?