Add to Favorites - button, how?


I made a button graphic that I want users to click and the function should add a bookmark of the onto their favorites. What's the best way of doing this? Thanks!<!--content-->This script should work in both IE and Netscape,<br />
<br />
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <br />
<!-- Begin <br />
<!-- Script By Yousuf Imtiaz--> <br />
if (document.all) { // Only true for MSIE <br />
var url=""; <br />
var title=" - Free Tools for Webmasters"; <br />
document.write('<A HREF="javascript:window.ext'); <br />
document.write('ernal.AddFavorite(url,title);" '); <br />
document.write('onMouseOver=" window.status='); <br />
document.write("'Bookmark Now!'; return true "); <br />
document.write('"onMouseOut=" window.status='); <br />
document.write("' '; return true "); <br />
document.write('">Bookmark Now!</a>'); <br />
} <br />
else { <br />
document.write("Bookmark Now! (CTRL+D)"); <br />
} <br />
// End --> <br />