Add prefixes and namespaces to XML serialization


New Member
I'm working in a Mexican tax calculation program and the government provided the following XSD file, with xsd.exe help I have converted it to a C# class which is quite big so I'll just provide a link to it in order to no bloat this post with code: filling SOME of the class fields (So the example doesn't get too big) I tried to serialize the XML as follows:\[code\]XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlNameSpace = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();xmlNameSpace.Add("xsi", "");xmlNameSpace.Add("schemaLocation", "");xmlNameSpace.Add("cfdi", "");XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter("c:\\temp\\pruebas.xml", Encoding.UTF8);xmlTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Comprobante));xs.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, comprobante, xmlNameSpace);xmlTextWriter.Close();\[/code\]Which gives me this output:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Comprobante xmlns:cfdi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:schemaLocation="" version="3.2" fecha="0001-01-01T00:00:00" subTotal="0" total="0" tipoDeComprobante="ingreso" xmlns=""> <Emisor rfc="DERH9145202V4"> <DomicilioFiscal calle="Calle1" colonia="Colonia" municipio="municipio" estado="estado" pais="pais" codigoPostal="07000" /> <RegimenFiscal Regimen="Peque" /> </Emisor></Comprobante>\[/code\]As we can see in an example provided by the government ( my generated file lacks some points:\[code\]<Comprobante... should be <cfdi:Comprobante <Emisor.. should be <cfdi:Emisor and so on and so forth with all elements...xmlns:schemaLocation should be xsi:schemaLocation I'm getting and additional xmlns="" at the end of the Comprobante declaration\[/code\]How can I achieve this changes in my xml? :D