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Title may suggest hint of a duplicate but problem is certainly not.If it is a duplicate then please close it by posting relevant link to problem.Now here is a description of my problem ->I have created some html that look like this (This is just a small part of very big code) ..
Html contents are as follows : -\[code\]<div class="s"> <div class="bmargin"> <label for="sip" > Source IPv6 Address </label> <input type="text" name="sip" id="sip" required placeholder="hello" autofocus/> </div> <div class="bmargin marginl"> [Default : Link-layer] </div> <div class="bmargin"> <label for="dip"> Destination IPv6 Address </label> <input type="text" name="dip" id="dip" placeholder="FF02::1"/> </div> <div class="bmargin marginl"> [Default : All Node Multicat Address] </div> </div>\[/code\]Now I have also created an accordion which would show up when clicking on advanced radio button :-
Accordion Jquery code is shown below :\[code\] $(document).ready(function() { $("#stack").accordion({ heightStyle:"content", fillspace: true, icons: {'header': 'ui-icon-plus', 'headerSelected': 'ui-icon-minus'},collapsible: true, active:false});\[/code\]HTML for the accordion contents :\[code\]<div class="advanced" id="stack"><h3> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15895163/#"> Network Interface Layer </a> </h3><div class="nlayer"> This section is reserved for future</div><h3> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15895163/#" id="ilayer"> Internet Layer </a></h3><div class="ilayer"><!-- <?php // require 'common_ilayer.html' ?> --></div><h3> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15895163/#"> Transport Layer </a></h3><div>reserved for future</div><h3> <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15895163/#"> Application Layer </a></h3><div>reserved for future</div></div>\[/code\]what I need is that I want to display same html div class="s" which was showing up initially in place of that php require 'common_ilayer.html' to appear when click on Internet layer. What I need to achieve is something like this (Image shown below).. but without creating any duplicate node. At first place php require/include seems like working but that would indeed create duplicate code and server may become confuse on posting as there will be two elements with same ID.
I also tried this Jquey code but that did not helped\[code\] $('#ilayer').live("click",function(){ $("#s").show(); });\[/code\]Note : Please do not suggest me to add different IDs to elements and include them by php. I want same contents to appear with all fields same in accordion Internet layer section which were appearing in basic section of tool. Any help appreciated ...Thanks