ActiveFile COM+ component issue in .NET


New Member
I had a site in VB6 and Classic ASP which is using ActiveFile COM+ component in uploading/downloading files. The COM+ component is working fine in classic ASP but when I ported it to VB.NET I am not able to create instance of \[code\]ActiveFile.File\[/code\]. Other classes like \[code\]ActiveFile.Directory\[/code\] are instantiating in VB.NET.I am not sure what is causing problem that gives me this exception \[quote\] Creating+an+instance+of+the+COM+component+with+CLSID+%7b6A774FAE-E380-4639-969-17728E97B657%7d+from+the+IClassFactory+failed+due+to+the+following+error%3a+800a005b\[/quote\]All things are properly registered and working fine in VB6. I tried using Reflection, Microsoft Enterprise services for COM+ and Interop but not able to succeed in it.Any help will be much appreciated.