Active users


Is there anyway to log and read how many users are on my WebPages? And display the number at the top of the screen? Something like “10 active users” and if someone closes the window with my page in it the new read would be “9 active users”? <br />
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Is this possible if so enlighten me?<!--content-->You need to use a server side language script, such as PHP. PHP will allow you to set session cookies which keeps track on people browsing your site. If they 'log on' you can even identify who it is. <br />
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Setting session cookies for all visitors and storing the information about number of active session cookies in a database or file will allow you to display the information on the screen.<br />
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You can not do that in HTML or Client Side Scripts (javascript). You need a server side script. PHP is a good bet.<!--content-->yup i would go with php, perl isn't bad either, try this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) free script, if you don't like it try having a look through these (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) scripts :)<!--content-->