Activate SWFUpload trigger with plain anchor


New Member
This might be a simple question with a simple fix, but I am unable to figure out the solution.I am using SWFUpload on a site to facilitate file uploads (obviously), however, it requires placing a placeholder using a span or something of the likes:\[code\]<span id="SWF_Placeholder_etc"></span>\[/code\]And then calling SWFUpload which essentially replaces that span with:\[code\]<object id="SWFUpload_1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="120" height="35" class="swfupload"> <param name="wmode" value=""> <param name="movie" value=""> <param name="quality" value=""> <param name="menu" value=""> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value=""> <param name="flashvars" value=" settings in here"></object>\[/code\]This requires passing all kinds of flash vars using a clunky image with various rollover/activity states of the button in it in order to 'style' it, and I use the term 'style' very loosely.I want to basically have a hidden flash object, that I can activate using a javascript call to flash to either trigger the click (which I do not think will work, due to security reasons) or have some call into SWFUpload's code to actually trigger the action - using a nice, easy to style \[code\]<a>\[/code\] tag.Anyone? I cannot be the first person that has ever wanted to do this, I just hope that someone else has found some success.