"act" Button In Chatroom


I don't know a chatroom from a script, but wondering if anyone knows what the "Act" button is when you use the chatroom cpanel has available...EntropyChat is the name of it I guess? <br /><br />When you are in a chatroom there is a "Say" button and an "Act" button. Both post your message, just formatted differently (act puts a * in front without [] brackets).<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />T<!--content-->
It stands for action. In IRC you enter something like this:<br /><br /><!--coloro:#999--><span style="color:#999"><!--/coloro--><i><b>*TCH-Dick</b> goes for a drink</i><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br /><!--coloro:#999--><span style="color:#999"><!--/coloro--><i><b>*TCH-Dick</b> slaps Harry with a fish</i><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--content-->
that's wierd....but Okay.<!--content-->