Ack, this form is making my table go wacko! help!

Can someone PLEASE take a look at this simple code i typed up and tell me why there are two huge space above and below the FORM? I would like it so there is no dark blue space but I can't figure it out.<br />
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Thanks in advance :)<!--content-->Nevermind I got it, I was poking around the forum and I found that i need to add style="display: inline" to the form tag.<br />
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BTW I just signed up, this looks like a pretty good forum, so greetz to all :D<!--content-->isn't it great when this happens? well, welcome to the forums!<br />
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chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Nice to know that stuff gets around. :rocker: <br />
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Welcome to the forum. <br />
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Happy Holidays to all.<br />
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