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Hi All, <BR><BR>I'm trying to implement and file management system using ASP pages. My ASP pages are sitting on a web server, but its purpose will be used to manipulate files that is sitting on another server that is connected with this web server through LAN. Can anyone suggest how I should do this? <BR><BR>Thanks! <BR>MabelI have done that quite a bit using ASP. Just use the File System Object, and use a path like \yourservername. Here is an example:<BR><BR>Set fsoobject= Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<BR><BR>Set objFolder = fsoObject.GetFolder("\servernamedirectoryname")<BR>stime = date + time - 1<BR><BR>For Each objFile in objFolder.Files<BR> If objFile.DateCreated < stime Then<BR> objFile.Delete<BR> Else<BR> End If<BR>Next<BR><BR><BR>This again was ASP, but you could move it over to .net pretty quickly. All it did was delete any files more than one day old.