I apologize if my terminology is not correct. I just got on a project that uses Javascript and asp.net. I'm not really familiar with both and am trying to implement some simple features or fix bugs. Currently the razor view looks like:\[code\]@{ string rootUrl = Url.Action(MVC.Files.Files(Model.Id, null)); Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().Scripts(wa => wa.AddSharedGroup(@Url.AssetName(AssetGroups.FileBrowser)) .AddSharedGroup(@Url.AssetName(AssetGroups.SinglePageApps))) .OnDocumentReady( @<text> window.fileBrowser = fileBrowser('ls', 'file_breadcrumb', '@Model.Path', '@rootUrl'); var runLink = "@Url.Action(MVC.Runs.Run(Model.Id, Model.ExperimentName.ToLegalUrl()))"; // checking for the model if (@((Model.HasSettings.ToString().ToValue()) == true)) {console.log("true"); } else {console.log("false");} window.leftNav = new NavView({ el: "#navview", collection: new NavItems(), items: [\[/code\]My model for the page, has a property HasSettings. Based on HasSettings, I want to populate the \[code\]items\[/code\] array at the bottom fo the code with certain items. I can't figure out the syntax for this. I originally started with \[code\]if ('@Model.HasSettings') {\[/code\]and have been trying different forms, but I'm really not sure what the syntax is to check it so I can populate my items array. I know if I look at Model.HasSettings outside of this @ block, it evaluates to True or False. And then in the console when I run the page, it says True or False is undefined. My first question is what is the correct syntax?My second question is, should I just copy and paste the entire block \[code\]window.leftNav = new NavView({ el: "#navview", collection: new NavItems(), items: [\[/code\]into each if/else statement with only the items array being different. Or is there a cleaner way to do that? Thanks in advance!